Hamid A. Al-Asadi was born in Iraq. He received the B.Sc and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering and communication engineering from Basra University, Basra, Iraq, in 1987 and 1994, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the University Putra Malaysia in Communication Network Engineering in 2011. From 1995-2018, he was a faculty member in the Department of Computer science, Basra University. In 2014, he joined the Basra University as a Full Professor. Since November 2018 he has been head of the Department of communication engineering in the Iraq University College, Iraq. His research interests include optical communications, optical fiber, information theory, Wireless Network, Sensor Network, Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks, Swarm Intelligence, computer engineering, and Artifical intelligence. He is member of scientific and reviewing committees of many journals and international conferences in the domains of Computer and communications engineering.