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  • Post category:Abstract

The remote monitoring service has contributed to saving the lives of many patients; especially those suffer from chronic or infectious diseases or heart problems. Remote medical monitoring enables to assess the condition of the heart, monitor its beats, monitor body temperature, oxygen level, and etc. Today, in all countries of the world, the deadly Corona virus has appeared, so it is necessary to monitor the health status of patients remotely through various means. This paper introduces a mobile robot of health monitoring using sound commands to determine the movement direction of the robot and internet of things technique to send the measuring data of adopted sensors ( heart beats, temperature and oxygen sensors) to the web server and store them in database. The proposed system aims to save doctor’s life, time, facilitates of monitoring the huge number of patients, prevents infection from infected patients. The adopted system consists of a microcontroller on the transmitter side to process the speech signal and send the output data to the receiving side through the transmitter unit to move the robot according to the speech signal commands. the motors of the robot have been controlled the speed and direction using Wi-Fi microcontroller and H-bridge module in the receiving side.